Faculty training with ABET-USA completed
At the onset of the new academic year, the university through its Faculty Development Office, organized training for all faculty members handling engineering and computer science programmes in coordination with specialists from Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. (ABET), USA.
Centering on program assessment based on outcomes-based education, faculty participants were trained in various strategies to gauge students’ knowledge and skills and to provide for continual teaching and learning improvement. This pedagogical approach allows students to be driven by outcomes that can be manifested in their knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes. Students are expected to be more responsible for their own learning, hence increased involvement in the classroom activities and assessments.
With the drive to be a leading university in business, science, and technology, and in response to the global multiple transitions of the corporate world, the students are taught and guided to seek newer skills and innovations to propel their careers further.
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