Frosh induction set on campus
To familiarize the new students in terms of use of facilities, policies and procedures, activities and opportunities provided by the university to further improve their academic performance and practical life skills, the Deanship of Student Affairs in cooperation with the various colleges and departments oriented them, setting it at the onset of the second semester of the current academic year in the university auditorium whilst adhering to health protocols and directives of the National Taskforce for Combating the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
The Dean of Student Affairs shared the development plans adopted by the new administration to improve the university’s facilities, advance student services and quality of teaching in line with the directives of the President of the university, Dr. Hassan Almulla, with his constant affirmation that students are the actual value of the university and the center of the educational process, and that they deserve priority in support, attention, and care.
The college deans briefed them on the academic programmes offered, the means of support available to students, and the communication mechanisms with professors, assuring them of the keenness of their respective colleges to provide all available means and opportunities to make their university experience unique and successful. Heads of the different departments also informed them of the available facilities they can take advantage of such as library, IT, and laboratories among others.
The President of the Student Council congratulated the new students for choosing the university, and he explained how the council can help them throughout their academic journey. He further invited them to be proactive in all university activities as these are all opportunities for them to refine their skills more and more.
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Dr. Omar Alhawi, Dean of the Student Affairs, welcomed the new students with a quick run of the developments being implemented in line with the University’s vibrant identity.

Abdullah Mohamed Ali, President of the Student Council, expressed his enthusiasm on behalf of the council to support the new students to adapt to their new academic environment.